Calculum launches free Working Capital Metrics and Payment Terms Calculator
Calculum, an award-winning, Miami-based Data as a Service (DaaS) provider, today announced the launch of an interactive web-based calculator to assist companies calculate and negotiate optimal payment terms with their trading partners, thus improving working capital for businesses worldwide.
According to a recent working capital study, Net Working Capital (NWC) days reached a five-year-high, driven by uncertainty during the last years. While many of the spikes in working capital had unwound by mid-2021, the ending of government support, elevated levels of debt, and ongoing supply chain disruptions all mean that capital efficiency has to be front of mind moving forward.
“Currently, we see that corporates are shifting their focus from navigating from COVID slowdown to growth,” said Eugene Buckley, CRO of Calculum Inc. “That said, volatility in supply chains is increasing the pressure on working capital. We see that cash flow is on the management’s top priority list this year.”

Corporates can use the Web Calculator to take their first step towards comparing themselves with their peers in terms of payment terms.
Calculum’s research and experience with corporates in all key sectors in Europe, the Americas, and Asia show that on average over 5% of annual costs of sales (COGS) can be freed up in cash flow.
“Artificial Intelligence represents the next frontier in applying data science to help companies unlock working capital. We are very excited to offer our free calculator to the market covering over hundred thousands of companies,” said Oliver Belin, CEO of Calculum Inc. “The calculator offers a glimpse into our database. I encourage every company that respects the importance of working capital for them and their trading partners to contact us directly to arrange a demo of our platform’s full capabilities.”